cincodemayodesignedThis week the #SundaySupper crew is celebrating Cinco de Mayo. I’ll take any excuse to indulge in Mexican food–it’s my favorite cuisine in all the world! The lovely Jen of Juanita’s Cocina is hosting this week’s festivities.

Jen is my girl. She is the perfect host for such an event. If you’re not familar with Jen or her site, go on over and get friendly. Trust me, you won’t be sorry you did. The girl takes her Mexican food seriously, and it’s a good thing she does, because her food is delicious. These tacos–yum! I’ve only made them like 5 times and usually scarf down 3 in one sitting. Like I said, she’s the perfect host for this week’s event.

What’s a Cinco de Mayo party without booze? Being the lover of cocktails that I am, I decided to combine two of my favorite boozey beverages, Corona and a margarita. I call it the margarona. Fun, right? I can’t take credit for the idea, just the recipe. I was first introduced to this creative combination at Plaza Azteca in Williamsburg, Virginia when Squirrel and I were on vacation in April. We listened to the suggestions of the locals and found ourselves at Plaza Azteca on the last night of our vacation, which is sad, really, because if I would have found it sooner, we would have eaten there every night. Yup, it was that good!


The beergaritas or margaronas, as the locals called them, were all the rave. Every single person we spoke to instructed us to try them. When we arrived at the restaurant, everyone, and I mean everyone, ordered the margaronas. There were margaronas as far as the eye could see, glistening like sparkling green stars on all the tables. What’s a girl to do?

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Order the margarona, of course! Mmm, and were they delicious. I knew I would recreate them at home the minute the tangy, bubbly beverage hit my tongue.

Margaronas | -7135

The second I found out what this week’s #SundaySupper theme was, I knew I’d have to make the margarona for y’all.

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You want to make sure your margarita mixture is fully chilled before blending it with the ice. If you neglect to chill your mixture, you run the risk of the ice diluting your margarona. Trust me, you don’t want a diluted and potentially less flavorful margarona. Nope, you want it full leaded and potent.

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Don’t do like I did and fill your glass up all the way and then try to snuggle your mini Corona in the icy mixture–overflow! The mixture spilled out over the sides, causing me to chug.

Fill your glass up half way, then place your Corona bottle into the mixture until it touches the bottom of the glass. The Corona will begin flow out into the glass and mingle with the frozen margarita mixture. Don’t worry, it will eventually stop. What’s really cool is that the Corona bottle will form a type of suction, and the only way for it to empty into the margarita mixture is by drinking the cocktail (preferably with a straw). The Corona will slowly mix with the margarita as you drink. I love it!

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What you get is a tangy lime and beer fusion. The bubbles tickle your tongue, while the lime makes your lips pucker. It’s my new favorite margarita. Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Check out the other Cinco De Mayo themed #SundaySupper recipes:

Cinco de Mayo Appetizers & Sides {Aperitivos}:

Cinco de Mayo Main Dishes {Platos Principales}:

Cinco de Mayo Desserts {Postres}:

Cinco de Mayo Drinks {Bebidas}:

Join the #SundaySupper conversation on Twitter on Sunday, May 5th to celebrate Cinco de Mayo! We’ll tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm EST. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag, and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. Check out our #SundaySupper Pinterest board for more delicious recipes and food photos.

Margarona aka Beer-rita ~ #CincodeMayo #SundaySupper

Recipe Type: Cocktail
Author: Jennie
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 6
  • 1 cup lime juice
  • 1/2 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
  • 3/4 cup agave
  • 1-11.3 oz. can pineapple nectar
  • 1 1/4 cup tequila
  • 1 6-pack of 7oz. Corona longneck bottles
  • Ice
  1. Add the lime juice, orange juice, agave, pineapple nectar, and tequila to a pitcher. Stir to combine. Place in the refrigerator to chill for at least 2 hours.
  2. For 1 Margarona: Add 3/4 cup of the chilled margarita mixture to a blender. Add in a handful of ice. Blend until smooth and thick. If the mixture is too thin, add a bit more ice, and if the mixture is too thick, add a touch more of the margarita mixture.
  3. Fill your glass halfway with the frozen margarita mixture. Tip the Corona into the glass. When the Corona stops flowing out of the bottle, top your glass off with the frozen margarita mixture. Place a straw in the glass and serve. Enjoy!