Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet
Welcome to day 3 of #icecreamweek! I made you Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet, and it is delicious. Can we all agree that this is the best week ever? All ice cream, all week. What’s not to love?
I’ve been so busy churning up ice cream that I’ve be slacking in the housework department just a tad. There may be piles of laundry waiting to be washed, floors that need to be vacuumed, tables that need dusting, and dishes that need scrubbing. There may even be a lingering Skittle or two on the floor that my cat keeps swatting around.
Okay, so I’m a big fat slacker! It was either make ice cream or clean. Psht, ice cream totally won that battle. Seriously, who wants to clean when you can make and eat ice cream?
I made a very exciting, very different ice cream flavor for day 3 of #icecreamweek. It’s a lemon buttermilk sherbet. Now, I know it sounds different, but I promise you it’s delicious. Delicious with a capital D.
Buttermilk and lemon complement each other extremely well in this ice cream. The buttermilk is creamy and tangy, while the lemon is tart and refreshing. The combination is perfect.
I’m not kidding you when I tell you that this is the easiest ice cream I’ve made this week. It only requires three steps. Three steps! How easy is that?
Add some fresh berries and you have yourself a perfect frozen treat. Enjoy!
Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet
- 1/3 cup water
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 1 lemon, zested
- 2 cups buttermilk
- 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- In a medium saucepan, add water, sugar, and lemon zest. Heat until sugar is just dissolved, stirring occasionally. Remove from eat and let cool to room temperature (I placed the mixture in the fridge to cool quicker).
- Whisk the buttermilk and lemon juice into the cooled syrup. Freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Place in an airtight container and store in your freezer until ready to serve. Serve with fresh berries.
Adapted from The Perfect Scoop
All images and text © .
18 Comments on “Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet”
What’s not to love? My pants size. Just saying ;)
I love that book. And that man. And that ice cream. And you of course. Happy #icecreamweek ! Thankfully you made fruit bc I sure didn’t haha
Love sherbet. I’m intrigued by the buttermilk and saving this to my to-try list.
Ice cream automatically wins everything. Ever.
I guess I have to break down and buy real buttermilk. I’m a big believer in powdered buttermilk, but I don’t think it will work in this sherbet. And I do want some.
Pingback: Cookie Butter Magic Shell ~ Day #3 of #IceCreamWeek! | Juanita's Cocina
Love this flavor combination! So refreshing!
You know that I will be making this. Why? Because it’s lemon.
Happy Day #3 of #IceCreamWeek!
This sounds so cool & exotic !! All my favorite ingredients !! You go Jen ! Will be making this after my two week detox though for fear I may let it tempt me :) Very pretty pics !!
Okay, this looks super easy & I may just have to give it a try :-)
This is absolute bliss! I would do anything for a scoop or two of this!
Your presentation and flavours are amazing, I would love this :D
Choc Chip Uru
Thanks, Uru! Did I do chocolate justice?
Ooo! I love buttermilk but I don’t think I’ve ever had it in ice cream form. This is genius!! I now need to try this and lemon happens to be one of my favorite flavors.
This sounds so refreshing … YUM!! and Yes, cleaning can totally wait when ice cream is in the picture ;)
Um, seriously. I think this is my fave so far. It’s so pretty. And I bet it tastes so rich and pucker-y.
Pingback: Ice Cream Recipe Round-up | The Girl in the Little Red Kitchen
jennie, i have to tell you: right now, i have lemon buttermilk sherbet in. my. freezer. I just made it; seems i was quite taken with the idea of lemon and buttermilk together. I snuck a little taste test post-spin, and it was AMAZING. i can’t wait until it hardens up.
and so easy! it was like i didn’t even make it; i swear it took me 5 minutes, if that. It’s supposed to be over 100 degrees again in a few days, so i’m saving this for then. well…i’m saving most of it, let’s say. :) thank heaven for ice cream week.
Yay, you made the lemon buttermilk sherbet! It is easy, isn’t it? You blink, and it’s finished. Let me know how saving it goes :)
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