Peanut Butter Banana Dip {Healthy}
Creamy fruit dip made with mashed bananas, peanut butter, Greek yogurt, and honey.
Healthy and delicious. That’s what I’m all about.
Okay, so maybe that’s a lie. I’m all about sweet, decadent treats dripping with gooey caramel or stuffed to the brim with candy-coated chocolate.
However, today I’m all about trimming down calories. I wish I could say I live on cupcakes and sour gummy worms, but, the truth is, I have a fairly good handle on balancing sweet and healthy–that is, most of the time.
Sometimes life calls for overindulging.
Take the other day, for example. I walk out my door headed for my truck. I like to warm her up since it’s frigid outside. I was bundled up expecting arctic temperatures, but instead it was unseasonably warm outside and the snow was beginning to melt (about dang time). I walked down my steps, and, the next thing you know, I found myself in a crumpled heap on the ground.
Wha? How the hell did I get on the ground.
Ice! An invisible sheet of menacing ice.
It’s 50 degrees out. How the heck is there still ice on the ground?
I ache in places I didn’t even know existed. My left knee is raw from scraping the concrete. I can barely move my left arm. And, my toes are bruised. Don’t even ask me how that happened. It’s not like I walked outside in my bare feet.
I decided it was probably wise to take a break from blogging and cooking this week since my whisking arm is out of commission and I’m walking around like a zombie, moaning in pain with my left arm stuck in a half-raised position.
After the fall, I said screw it I’m eating a donut. One donut led to two donuts which led to multiple slices of pizza, hotdogs topped with chili sauce, Velveeta shells, and lots of black jelly beans. Food cures, people.
And cure, it did. My body feels less bruised, but now I’m feeling plump and squishy.
Do I look plump and squishy? Never mind, don’t answer that question. Moving on…
Eating layers upon layers of junk led me to this recipe for peanut butter banana dip. It’s creamy, slightly sweet, and, best of all, peanut buttery. All I need to survive in life is a spoon and a jar of peanut butter.
I’m not kidding when I tell you that this recipe only takes 2 minutes to whip up. You’ll be snacking healthy in no time.
Grab a very ripe banana; the riper the better. Get out your honey. Mash the banana and honey together in a small bowl with a fork. Stir in the peanut butter and vanilla extract. Grab your Greek yogurt (plain or vanilla) from the fridge and fold it into the banana mixture. Give it a taste. If you like what you’re working with, dig in. If it’s not sweet enough for you, add a touch more honey.
Grab a variety of fresh fruit and get to dippin’. Or, if you’re like me, a spoon is all you’ll need.
Peanut Butter Banana Dip
Creamy fruit dip made with mashed bananas, peanut butter, Greek yogurt, and honey.
1 very ripe banana, peeled
2 teaspoons honey
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 cup fat-free Greek yogurt (plain or vanilla)
Add the banana and honey to a small bowl. Smash the banana and honey together with a fork until the banana is semi-smooth. Stir in the peanut butter and honey until thoroughly combined. Fold in the Greek yogurt. If you like your dip on the sweeter side, add a touch more honey.
48 Comments on “Peanut Butter Banana Dip {Healthy}”
Your fall makes me sad. Mostly because I’m imagining the sound you made… If it makes you feel any better, I broke my tailbone during a graceful, ice-related fall, and had to use a donut cushion for weeks. Not a good look for a ballet dancer.
2.0 sometimes sneaks down to the kitchen in the middle of the night to eat bananas slathered with peanut butter. I’m thinking this dip might be right up his alley…
You win, Movita. No one should ever have to endure the use of a donut cushion. 2.0 knows what’s up.
Ugh. Ice falls are the worst :( Feel better, girl! And long live pb banana dip!
Thanks, Ashley. Cheers to pb dip!
I hope you feel better girlfriend!
At least you have this fabulous dip to face plant into! That has gotta make you feel a-ok!
I love this dip and these pictures and your styling girl! Gorgeous!
I did a double face plant. You know, in the name of healing. Thanks, girl!
Falling on the ice is the worst thing. It happened to me about a month ago and my elbow is still sore. Hopefully you heal much faster. Food for the cure is a good idea! this dip is amazing and I must try it. Peanut butter is my friend as well!
My arm is slowly healing, Jocelyn. Food always makes me feel better. Thanks!
I am totally in love with this! I hope you heal quickly from your fall. I recently bruised my little toe and the area near it in the shower. I wasn’t even doing anything. The floor like attacked me!
Thanks, Laura. This ice is relentless.
Oh no! Jennie, you poor thing. I had my own ice fall too, on the brick stairs in front of my house. Luckily I managed to fall forward and use a snow bank to break part of my fall. I got away with a bruised knee and nothing else.
Bananas and peanut butter, you’re speaking my language there girl.
I’m so ready to say good-bye to winter. Enough with this snow and ice. I need a cookie!
I fell on the ice when I was 8 months pregnant (talk about off balance! haha) it’s the worst. I hope you get feeling better quick! Also this dip is absolutely gorgeous – I love all the color and cute bowls!
That is awful, Chelsea. Thanks so much. The bowl are from Anthro. I love that place.
“And now I’m feeling plump and sqishy” lol you crack me up! These pictures are so inviting and make me forget that it is FREAKING cold outside right now.
Thanks, Katrina. This cold has worn out its welcome.
ow!!! sneaky ice is the WORST. :( and you’re right: that’s the time when you have to say screw it and EAT ALL THE THINGS, because it helps in times of trouble. But then you feel guilty, and so it goes. I love this dip for that reason: the next time my day gets screwed up, this would do the trick (without all the extra “i’m eating all the junk in the pantry” calories. :)
Shannon, I ate…and then I ate some more. My arm is finally starting to gain feeling, and I’m able to hold a whisk. I firmly believe that food heals.
Pretty sure I need ice skates when going outside lately! So much ice!
I like the way you think. This dip will be happening ASAP!
Oooo, that’s a good idea, Jess. You’re a genius.
Just when you think you’re safe! Bam! I’ve been there, and it’s no fun. Glad you indulged yourself to speed up recovery. :) Wishing I had some of this dip right now, it looks so refreshing and delicious!
I’m thinking about hibernating in the house until the cold leaves for good. Thanks, Nicole!
This sounds so good!! Healthy PB dip – count me in! Love the photos, Jennie!
Thanks, Anna!
Aww :( I’m so sorry that you feel!! Ice is so sneaky… but your right… it really should just melt already if it’s 50 degrees! But I hope that this deliciously healthy recipe got you through it! And your pictures are amazing!! So pretty!
The dip, the chocolate, the ice cream. It all played its part. Thanks so much. Come on summer!
I’m glad you’re ok! Be careful out there! I think doughnuts for breakfast is definitely a slippery slope. I ate doughnuts last weekend and then ate cheeseburgers for lunch and then deep dish pizza for dinner. It was a delicious day….. fatty but delicious! I accidentally bought cinnamon sugar pita chips and I am so happy I did now so I can use them with this dip!
Donuts are the gateway food. One donut and you’re spinning out of control. I love cinnamon sugar pita chips. That and this dip–yum!
you poor thing!!! I hope you’re feeling better!!
At least you made this dip-it looks so simple and creamy and delish! The best kind of healthy :)
I hope you are feeling better after that fall! If it makes you feel any better, I trip all the time with no ice or snow!
This dip? I LOVE it! Pinned!
This is brilliant- definitely need to try this one out!
Aww feel better soon my friend! Food does cure all, especially delicious dips like this :D
Choc Chip Uru
Ugh, I’m so sorry about your fall! I’m glad you’ve moved on from the junk to this sweet, healthy and delicious dip! Pass me some bananas, please :)
Thanks, Liz.
Ah – sorry to hear about your fall! This dip looks delicious — healthy and tasty!
Thanks, Amy!
Ouchie! I hope you feel better soon. I think a good movie and just a platter of fruit with THIS DIP is sure to make you feel a little better.
I ate two helpings and several cookies. My arm is suddenly feeling better.
I can’t wait to make this for my kids!
Aw… darn ice. Hope you are feeling better soon. I’m dealing with the same weather here. I was hoping the sun would keep shinning and the ice would keep melting but today it is snowing. We are not done with winter yet.
I know. It’s snowing here today. I wish it would just say its farewell and leave. Your kiddos are going to love this!
Ouch!! I’m so sorry you fell. I hope that you’re better now. You’re so right, food totally cures, even healthy dips. Peanut butter is magic!
Thanks, Dorothy! The healing powers of peanut butter are definitely magical.
Oh, girl! I hope you are feeling much better today. Falls are the absolute worst and I cannot imagine how more awful a slip on slick ice is then onto the hard concrete. Wish we were neighbors so I could have spoiled you with TLC and good eats. At least you had some good food to lift your spirits. This dip looks insanely good! You have made Elvis proud sharing his favorite dip recipe that they serve in Heaven. ;) Thanks for sharing, Jennie! xo
If we were neighbors, Stacy, we would rule the world. Life would be epic.
Yikes! Sorry to hear about the fall, Jen! Good call on self-medicating with delicious fatty foods, which is totally a page out of my own book. Since misery loves company, I’ll share with you my own fall story. A few weeks ago I was walking in the Safeway parking lot after work with bags of groceries and keys in hand. I slipped in a wet puddle of something, fell with my entire body weight onto my right ass cheek and my right elbow. It hurt like crazy. Plus I got slimy, sticky goo all over my coat, skirt and keys. Gross. And embarrassing. Pass me some of this delectable, healthy dip! It sounds delicious!
I’m making you a vat of dip now. That is awful. Your poor ass cheek and elbow. I think you might need more than dip. A donut? Cupcake? Oh, I know, booze. Let’s get sugar wasted and drunk. Feel better, girl!
I’ll have to try this.
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